Whoever assigned you the piece of work may ask that there is no page number on the first page. They should be one-half inch from the top of the page. MLA format requires that page numbers, accompanied by your last name, are present in the upper right-hand corner of each page of your assignment. You should include a reference on the Works Cited page for all quotations.

You can create this block by having the entire quote indented ½ inch from the left margin. For long quotations, you should establish a block of text without quotation marks. You should cite the quotation with the author’s name and a specific page number, and punctuation marks, such as periods, commas, and semicolons, should be after the parenthetical citation.

For short quotations, utilize double quotation marks around the text that you are quoting. Quotations are a great way to incorporate facts and information from another resource. You should utilize the tab key on your keyboard, rather than pressing the spacebar five times to create an indent. An indent in MLA format should be the first line of each paragraph, and it should be one-half-inch from the left margin. Indents signify the start of a line of text, or help to position a part of a text further from the margin and the main portion of the text. This gives consistency to your paper and informs the instructor of these details. The header also includes your last name and page number in the upper right-hand corner of each page of the document. Headers include a variety of information such as name, professor or instructor name, course you are taking, and the date. HeadersĪ header in MLA format is typically for essays and academic papers. Be sure to double-check the margin size, as some programs default to a margin size of 1.25 – 1.50 inches. This means the space between the edge of the paper and the text. When using MLA format, margin sizes should be about 1 inch. This allows for the text to be eligible for readers. The font size may be specified as something else, but 12 pt font is typically standard. MLA format calls for a specific font size of 12 pt. This helps with the readability and consistency of the text. This means that when you use MLA format for Google Docs, you need to change the font to be specifically Times New Roman. The font, or size, and style, that MLA format calls for is Times New Roman. Below is each factor, as well as, its definition and how it is used within MLA format.

Elements such as fonts, font size, margin sizes, headers, and more should all be taken into consideration. Standard MLA format configuration depends on a variety of factors. Typically, MLA format is used for essays, books, research papers, and more.

Additionally, it allows for there to be consistency in style among academic papers. It is used as an easy way to provide cues to readers that they can follow and navigate. MLA Format is used as a way to cite sources for subjects within the humanities.
This article covers the importance of MLA format, and how to use MLA format for Google docs and traditional essays. Have you ever written a paper and wanted to give credit to where you found certain information? Have you ever read a paper or essay and wondered where the author found the content that is mentioned? MLA format helps solve these two problems and is important to include in essays and papers. For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.